Friday, 27 May 2011

FUJI finepix X100


On my nerve which camera should I buy.
I got the very old sony camera and I guess its time for the new cam.
I thought of Iphone4 but instead of the price I could just buy a better camera with higher pixel so I quit for the Iphone4 thought.
Which one do I wants? p&s or a DSLR?
Then I checked up the price on internet
 Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon and Olympus.

Concerning of the time it's just out of convenience.


  1. u should also consider panasonic's gf-2. i've played with it once and am super in love with it ><

    btw, nice bloggggggg!

  2. thanks! I just checked panasonic's gf-2, that's awesome but x100 looks more interested which the case and outlook, don't you think? ((:
